The Reproducibility Working Group Bibliography
The Reproducibility Working Group Bibliography
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Heterogenous brain activations across individuals localize to a common network
Shaoling Peng
Zaixu Cui
Suyu Zhong
Yanyang Zhang
Alexander L. Cohen
Michael D. Fox
Gaolang Gong
Towards reproducible neuroimaging: Solutions for sharing and re-using brain imaging data
Camille Maumet
The past, present, and future of the brain imaging data structure (BIDS)
Abstract The Brain Imaging Data Structure (BIDS) is a community-driven standard for the organization of data and metadata from a …
Russell A. Poldrack
Christopher J. Markiewicz
Stefan Appelhoff
Yoni K. Ashar
Tibor Auer
Sylvain Baillet
Shashank Bansal
Leandro Beltrachini
Christian G. Benar
Giacomo Bertazzoli
Suyash Bhogawar
Ross W. Blair
Marta Bortoletto
Mathieu Boudreau
Teon L. Brooks
Vince D. Calhoun
Filippo Maria Castelli
Patricia Clement
Alexander L. Cohen
Julien Cohen-Adad
Sasha D’Ambrosio
Gilles De Hollander
María De La Iglesia-Vayá
Alejandro De La Vega
Arnaud Delorme
Orrin Devinsky
Dejan Draschkow
Eugene Paul Duff
Elizabeth DuPre
Eric Earl
Oscar Esteban
Franklin W. Feingold
Guillaume Flandin
Anthony Galassi
Giuseppe Gallitto
Melanie Ganz
Rémi Gau
James Gholam
Satrajit S. Ghosh
Alessio Giacomel
Ashley G. Gillman
Padraig Gleeson
Alexandre Gramfort
Samuel Guay
Giacomo Guidali
Yaroslav O. Halchenko
Daniel A. Handwerker
Nell Hardcastle
Peer Herholz
Dora Hermes
Christopher J. Honey
Robert B. Innis
Horea-Ioan Ioanas
Andrew Jahn
Agah Karakuzu
David B. Keator
Gregory Kiar
Balint Kincses
Angela R. Laird
Jonathan C. Lau
Alberto Lazari
Jon Haitz Legarreta
Adam Li
Xiangrui Li
Bradley C. Love
Hanzhang Lu
Eleonora Marcantoni
Camille Maumet
Giacomo Mazzamuto
Steven L. Meisler
Mark Mikkelsen
Henk Mutsaerts
Thomas E. Nichols
Aki Nikolaidis
Gustav Nilsonne
Guiomar Niso
Martin Norgaard
Thomas W. Okell
Robert Oostenveld
Eduard Ort
Patrick J. Park
Mateusz Pawlik
Cyril R. Pernet
Franco Pestilli
Jan Petr
Christophe Phillips
Jean-Baptiste Poline
Luca Pollonini
Pradeep Reddy Raamana
Petra Ritter
Gaia Rizzo
Kay A. Robbins
Alexander P. Rockhill
Christine Rogers
Ariel Rokem
Chris Rorden
Alexandre Routier
Jose Manuel Saborit-Torres
Taylor Salo
Michael Schirner
Robert E. Smith
Tamas Spisak
Julia Sprenger
Nicole C. Swann
Martin Szinte
Sylvain Takerkart
Bertrand Thirion
Adam G. Thomas
Sajjad Torabian
Gael Varoquaux
Bradley Voytek
Julius Welzel
Martin Wilson
Tal Yarkoni
Krzysztof J. Gorgolewski
A reproducible and generalizable software workflow for analysis of large-scale neuroimaging data collections using BIDS Apps
Abstract Neuroimaging research faces a crisis of reproducibility. With massive sample sizes and greater data complexity, this problem …
Chenying Zhao
Dorota Jarecka
Sydney Covitz
Yibei Chen
Simon B. Eickhoff
Damien A. Fair
Alexandre R. Franco
Yaroslav O. Halchenko
Timothy J. Hendrickson
Felix Hoffstaedter
Audrey Houghton
Gregory Kiar
Austin Macdonald
Kahini Mehta
Michael P. Milham
Taylor Salo
Michael Hanke
Satrajit S. Ghosh
Matthew Cieslak
Theodore D. Satterthwaite
Illusory generalizability of clinical prediction models
It is widely hoped that statistical models can improve decision-making related to medical treatments. Because of the cost and scarcity …
Adam M. Chekroud
Matt Hawrilenko
Hieronimus Loho
Julia Bondar
Ralitza Gueorguieva
Alkomiet Hasan
Joseph Kambeitz
Philip R. Corlett
Nikolaos Koutsouleris
Harlan M. Krumholz
John H. Krystal
Martin Paulus
The past, present and future of neuroscience data sharing: a perspective on the state of practices and infrastructure for FAIR
Neuroscience has made significant strides over the past decade in moving from a largely closed science characterized by anemic data …
Maryann E. Martone
Reproducibility in Neuroimaging Analysis: Challenges and Solutions
Recent years have marked a renaissance in efforts to increase research reproducibility in psychology, neuroscience, and related fields. …
Rotem Botvinik-Nezer
Tor D. Wager
FAIRly big: A framework for computationally reproducible processing of large-scale data
Abstract Large-scale datasets present unique opportunities to perform scientific investigations with unprecedented breadth. However, …
Adina S. Wagner
Laura K. Waite
Małgorzata Wierzba
Felix Hoffstaedter
Alexander Q. Waite
Benjamin Poldrack
Simon B. Eickhoff
Michael Hanke